Wednesday, November 25, 2009

MATADORis a 90 mm man-portable, disposable anti-armor weapon system developed in a collaboration between Singapore and Israel. It is an updated version of the German Armbrust design, and operates on the same principles. One of the characteristics is the fire and forget attitude. The development of this weapon began in 2000 and the MATADOR will eventually replace the German-Singaporean Armbrust Light Anti-tank Weapon which has been in service since the 1980s.

The Minigun is a 7.62 mm, multi-barrel machine gun with a high rate of fire up to 6,000 rounds per minute, employing Gatling-style rotating barrels with an external power source.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Agent Orange is the code name for a herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military in its Herbicidal Warfare program during the Vietnam War.
According to the post-war Vietnamese government, 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children born with birth defects.
From 1961 to 1971, Agent Orange was by far the most widely used of the so called Rainbow Herbicides employed in the herbicidal warfare program. During the production of Agent Orange as well as Agents Purple, Pink, and Green dioxins were produced as a contaminant, which have caused health problems for those exposed during the Vietnam War. Agents Blue and White were part of the same program but did not contain dioxins.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Heres a weapon in the making, it is called the Railgun, and no im not talking about metal gear solid. The Railgun is really in the making.

The Railgun is a weapon that uses electromagnetic to shoot non-explosive projectiles at greater speeds. There are two railguns that have been experimented on the first is called the EDO-0 is was made in 1985 it had a 7 kJ (KiloJoule), 1 kilojoule is equal to a 1 square meter of radiation that the earth receives from the sun in 1 second. There was a second experiment created in 1987 it was called EDO-1. The EDO-1 made it to speeds of 3000 miles/second, a railgun can go 3500 m/s, or 11,500 ft/s.
The Gatling gun was invented by Dr. Richard Jordan Gatling. This powerful gun has the power to shoot 300 bullet per min and since this gun has multiple barrels it could be shot for long periods of time without over heating.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Naginata (なぎなた, 薙刀) is a pole weapon that was traditionally used in Japan by members of the samurai class. It has become associated with women and in modern Japan it is studied by women more than men whereas in Europe and Australia Naginata is practiced predominantly by men this is however only simply a reflection of the martial arts demographics of Europe, where there is no historical association - as there is in Japan that naginatajutsu is for women. A naginata consists of a wood shaft with a curved blade on the end; it is similar to the Chinese Guan Dao or European glaive or Russian sovnya. Usually it also had a sword-like guard between the blade and shaft.

The Surujin or Suruchin is one of the traditional weapons of Okinawan Kobudo. It comprises a 2-3 meter long rope with a weight tied to each end. Historically this weapon is very prevalent and can be found attached to a weapon or used separately. It is a weapon designed for warfare and not for agricultural usage.

The Meteor hammer, often referred to simply as meteor, is an ancient Chinese weapon, consisting at its most basic level of two weights connected by a rope or chain.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lahti L-39
The Lahti L-39 was designed in 1939, by Finland. Finland build 1906 during World War 2. It was 109 pounds and is 88 inches long. Lahti is a simi-Automatic

Flamethrower, Portable, No 2

The Ack Pack was a harness carrying a ring-shaped fuel container with a capacity of 4 Imperial gallons of fuel on the operator's back. Located in the middle of the ring was a spherical container holding the propelling gas which was pressurized to 2,000 lbf/in .This was sufficient to propel the burning fuel 120 feet. A hose from the fuel tank passed to the nozzle assembly which had two pistol grips to hold and aim the spray, one equipped with the trigger. The Ack Pack nozzle was fitted with a 10-chambered cylinder which contained the ignition cartridges. These could be fired once, each giving the operator 10 bursts of flame. In practice this gave 10 one-second bursts. It was also possible to spray fuel without igniting it to ensure there was plenty splashed around the target, then fire an ignited burst to light up the whole lot.

This weapon was made in the United States, between 1940 to 1945. The Johnson M1941 LMG was produced in 1940 and ended in 1945 but the United States didnt stop using this gun until 1961. The United States built 9500 of these guns. The Johnson was used mainly in World War 2.

The Johnson can shoot 200 to 600 round/minuet

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A ballistic flight path describes a missile that is launched to a high altitude and adjusts itself to fall onto the target. That is how ballistic missiles are capable of such long attack distances. They fly high into the air and, depending how far the target is, either drop on top of it or simply glide to it.